RIYL: Add N To X, FRAK, industrial, beat-heavy washing machines
Following distantly on the heels of Decrresscenndo, and originally titled “Stop Faking Sense,” The Beige Album melds the two sides of the Boron coin: the “Bor” of textural drones that cleanse the mind with the “on” of propulsive beats, vocal and finger chanting, and throbbing low-pass fit for teen goth sex. Collaborations by the likes of happy noise musician Crank Sturgeon, beeper-clicker Mary Clare Brzytwa, unblinded distiller Stefan Jecusco, far-out guitar guru Larry Yes, and Field Hymn’s own Adderall Canyonly make for a rich and varied departure from a departure.
His latest output for Field Hymns is fashioned to appeal mostly to toll collectors, rabid squirrels, HVAC specialists, and low-IQ teens, rather than forward-thinking Los Angeles DJs. Crafted far from that sunny bleeding edge in the mushroom-infested-and-ingesting state of Oregon (and a part of town known as Little Sheffield), The Beige Album is a diary of delicious trauma brought on by witnessing Daphne Oram locked in an embrace with that guy without his shirt on in the “Twilight” movies.
(Boron is Dan Nelson of Oakland, CA)
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1. Nonsense Beard
2. Evening Bog
3. Hamburger Touchdown
4. German Engineering
5. G Rated Grope
6. Clamburglar
7. Glamour Science
8. The Flying Wedge
9. Moons Over My Panamax
10. Borong
11. Boroner’s Report
12. Pong Song
13. Boron Squad
14. Mountain Dewd
15. Boron & Boroner
16. Tomato Upload
17. Viking Ballet
18. Stop Faking Sense
19. Sunset Tunnel