RIYL: falling into an event horizon in 1967
The Ascension of St. Diamond and the Battles of Oxtest is a cosmic concept album about Neil Diamond entering a black hole and the inevitable fate that befalls him. Like a cross between Gil Melle’s score of The Andromeda Strain and Delia Derbyshire on a vision quest, this album will take you to the farther reaches of your consciousness…
Adderall Canyonly is Wayne Longer of Portland, OR,
Limited edition of 100 pro-dubbed & imprinted cassettes w/ download
sold out
1. Our Glittering Hero Stands at the Threshold
2. Pulled into the Gyre He Gazes O’er the Plain
3. Over Infinite Dark & Pricks of Light
4. Frozen in Ecstasy He Feels No Pain
5. The Dark Where No Light Escapes
6. A Galaxy Long, An Eon Wide
7. Eclipses A Horizon
8. Where Sanity Cannot Abide
9. Alone At Last, Forever